About Us

House of Dachshund is a online store dedicated to our fur babies and also sourcing anything and everything Dachshund for all pet lovers.

My Daughter (Jasmine) and myself (Joanne) are the sole owners and have sourced and locally designed some amazing and unique products for you.

Our house is where the inspiration for the name House of Dachshunds comes from, on most walls or shelves there is a dachshund ornament or picture. We are both completely obsessed with all things Dachshund.

Our first and most loving Dachshund was Lara who broke our hearts when she had to leave us, since then we have been blessed with another 4 Dachshunds, we were lucky enough to have the honour of rescuing from Dachshund Rescue Australia Lenny when he was 11 months old and 1 month later Sasha when she was also 11 months old.  They both came with their challenges more so Sasha as she had been badly abused and took a long time to trust us and settle in, today Sasha is 10 years old and is simply the best most loving and happy dog.  Lenny broke our hearts in July this year 2021 when it was his time to cross over the rainbow bridge and leave us well before his time and totally unexpected.

Thank you for supporting our dream and feel free to join our social media pages listed below



Joanne and Jasmine x